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Month: January 2018

Porsche Cayman Headlamps

The Symptoms of Fuel Pump Failure in Your Porsche

Fuel is one of the largest driving factors in buyers’ choice to buy a car or not, no pun intended. Picking the right car these days has a great deal to do with what kind of gas mileage it gets. Performance vehicles tend to have a notorious reputation for low gas mileage; however, in recent years, developers of cars such as Porsche have turned that fact around. The most current Porsche models rival the gas mileage of some of the more fuel-efficient vehicles on the market today. Although, that assumes that the Porsche in question is being cared for properly. Ongoing vehicle care should always include fuel system maintenance in order to keep your fuel efficiency at top-notch. If you own or drive a Porsche, you’ve likely invested a great deal of effort in caring for it, since most Porsche owners take a great deal of pride in their automobile, rightfully so. It’s important to stay on top of routine maintenance and care when it comes to your fuel system, and failure to do so could lead to problems like fuel pump failure. Because fuel pump issues are most common in certain Porsche models, it is essential to be able to recognize the symptoms of fuel pump failure in your own Porsche. Here are some of the signs that your Porsche might display when the fuel pump isn’t functioning properly:

Engine is Running Hot

The dashboard in your Porsche is the central hub for alerting the driver of the functionality of various components in the vehicle. The dashboard will let you know when you’re running out of windshield wiper fluid, when your tire is losing air, or when there is a problem with the engine. Of course, it also tells you the temperature that your engine is running at. Like all other vehicles, your Porsche should maintain a steady temperature that runs generally right between hot and cold. If you notice that your temperature gauge is on the warm side, or even hot, then there could be an issue with the fuel pump. If the engine temperature is off at all, you should bring your Porsche into a trusted automotive specialist for an inspection.

Lowered Fuel Economy

This may go without saying, but if your fuel pump is failing, you will experience a noticeable difference in the fuel economy of your Porsche. Usually this symptom is due to the ineffective ratio of air and fuel being produced, which causes a decrease in performance overall. Lowered fuel economy is simply one of the many performance-related problems that your Porsche may encounter, but it is certainly one of the most noticeable to drivers for the aforementioned reasons. Keeping track of your gas mileage can help alert you to issues with your fuel system, namely your fuel pump.

Starting Issues

One of the most detrimental signs of fuel pump failure is difficulty starting the engine. The fuel pump supplies the engine with fuel which is combined with air to ignite the engine. Unfortunately, a Porsche that won’t start could be experiencing any number of other problems that are the root cause of the issue. Since fuel pump repair and replacement can be expensive, an accurate differential diagnosis should be performed by a professional Porsche automotive specialist to eliminate other less-expensive problems as the possible source of the starting trouble.

Decrease in Power

Perhaps second on the list of most disturbing symptoms of a failing fuel pump is a decrease in engine power. Those who drive a Porsche will certainly notice a difference in performance, as this is one of the hallmarks of the brand. A Porsche may experience a decrease in engine power if it isn’t receiving enough fuel. This could be due to a few different fuel system issues, so it’s important that your repair technician is thorough and concise with his work.

Porsche Fuel Pump Since 1984, the Porsche experts at Euro Plus Automotive have been providing the areas of Canoga Park, Woodland Hills, the San Fernando Valley, and greater Los Angeles County, CA, with dealership-quality repair and maintenance work. While Porsche is certainly a luxury brand vehicle, we believe that all drivers should be able to provide the same quality care for their cars, which is why we offer special financing and warranty options for our clients. If you think your Porsche may have an issue with the fuel system or fuel pump, please contact us to schedule a diagnostic procedure. We look forward to restoring your car back to its optimal performance level.

Porsche Cayman image credit goes to: SusanaValera.

BMW Suspension System

How To Deal with BMW Suspension Issues

BMWs are fantastic, unique, and special automobiles. For decades they have remained one of the most widely purchased vehicles worldwide, and are world-renown for their spectacular performance and endurance. However, like any other machine, they tend to wear out in areas and become in need of repair and maintenance. One area that BMWs sometimes experience issues with after a period of use in is the suspension. BMWs suspension are built for high-performance use, so the daily excursions of the average driver may have unique effects. For instance, depending on the area or roads you typically drive on, your BMW might run into suspension issues before anything else. But first, it is important to be able to recognize various signs that your BMW is experiencing suspension issues. Here are some of the common signs of suspension failure and how you can best deal with them:

Pulling or Drifting

Your car’s wheel alignment is important to maintain, and when the suspension becomes damaged, it can show signs of drifting or “pulling” off-center. Your BMW’s alignment may become compromised after going over a bump quickly, or hitting a curb, or any intense, jolting movement. By having your alignment checked routinely, you can prevent other issues from occurring, such as uneven tire wear, which result from inadequate wheel alignment. With special equipment, your BMW’s alignment is assessed and then re-centered. Another sign that your alignment is off is if the center emblem on your steering wheel does not rest dead-center when the wheels are pointed straight. If you notice signs of misalignment, contact a trusted automotive specialist.

Bad or Failing Shocks

Your BMW’s suspension is high-quality, and you should not feel excessive bouncing after hitting a bump or going through a dip. If you notice that your shocks are not absorbing the impact of even the slightest bump in the road, you may need to replace the shocks. One of the most concerning symptoms of failing shocks is fluid leaks. Since your suspension system relies upon fluid and a complex system of parts, when any of these components become damaged it may lead to fluid leaks. Although the manufacturer-recommended maintenance schedule is helpful to follow as a guideline for when to replace or service the shocks in your BMW, this is simply a guideline based on the average BMW driver’s habits and conditions. It is important to consult with a trusted car repair shop and take your own driving habits into consideration when deciding when to service your shocks or other suspension-related parts. Certainly, if you experience a fluid leak, you should bring your BMW in for an inspection immediately.

Uneven Tire Wear

One of the most tell-tale signs that there is an issue with your BMW’s suspension is that the tires are wearing unevenly. While uneven tire wear can be caused by a number of things, often the culprit is wheel misalignment or damaged suspension parts. If your tires are wearing more rapidly on one side, in the front or back, or on one specific tire more so than others, this indicates that your vehicle is in need of service, and will eventually now also need a tire service. This is a perfect example of how general ongoing vehicle maintenance can make a huge difference in repair costs and automotive bills overall. Preventive care can save you a ton of money in the long run, and it will help your BMW perform optimally on a regular basis.

Find a Specialty Automotive Shop for Ongoing Maintenance

BMW Logo As we mentioned before, BMWs are special and unique vehicles. German engineering requires specified knowledge and skill, making it especially important for you to find an automotive shop that has specialized experience in BMW maintenance and repair. Here at Euro Plus Automotive, we have serviced a wide range of different BMW models over the years. Providing automotive care for BMW owners in Canoga Park, Woodland Hills, and nearby San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles County, CA, areas, we have seen it all when it comes to BMW issues. When it comes to suspension in particular, we are fluent in diagnostic procedures and repair approaches. For more information on how we can help you maintain your BMW’s suspension, contact us directly. We look forward to helping you enjoy your fantastic BMW even more.

BMW Logo image credit goes to: vesilvio.

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